How To Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet (Plus: A New Year Resolution Template)

New Year, Better You!

by Lauren
new year goal list

Another year has come and gone in the blink of an eye. In preparation for the new year, I’ve created a new year resolution template to help you make 2024 your best year yet!

As cliche as it may seem, taking time at the end of the year to reflect on your achievements, define your vision, and set goals is a great idea! It will set the tone for your year.

I love setting goals because it gives me a clear idea and plan as to what I need to do and where I should be focusing my energy. 

Without having intentions or goals, you’ll go through the motions of everyday life without much purpose. Plus, it’s a great way to look back and see how far you’ve come.

In this article, I’ll share how to set goals, why you should set them, and what you can do to stay on track. 

Ready to make wiser choices in 2024?

Get my free Wiser Year Workbook. A New Year resolution template to write down your goals! Use the link below.

How To Plan and Set Your New Year’s Resolutions

1. Start by reflecting on the past year. Evaluate what went well, what could have gone better, and what you want to achieve in the upcoming year. 

2. Define clear and specific goals for various aspects of your life. This can range from family, wellness, career, relationships, personal growth, finances, and more.

3. Make sure you set SMART goals. This means they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This will ensure you can track your progress. 

4. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable milestones. This will prevent feeling overwhelmed and increase the likelihood of success.

5. Plan for obstacles. Life happens. By identifying potential challenges and brainstorming ways to overcome them, you’ll be better suited to achieve your goals and adjust as needed.

6. Have a dedicated support system. It’s always a great idea to share your goals with friends or family members who can offer encouragement and accountability.

7. Track your progress. If you download my workbook, you can track your progress on a monthly basis and adjust your approach if needed.

8. Celebrate milestones along the way. The small wins are something to be celebrated and will keep you motivated and recognize your achievements.

9. Remain flexible and adjust intentions and goals as needed. Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes adjustments may be necessary.

10. Practice self-compassion. Always be kind to yourself, especially if you encounter setbacks or difficulties along the way. A positive mindset is needed to achieve your goals.

Following these steps will help you plan and set meaningful New Year’s resolutions that are both achievable and fulfilling.

Why You Should Make New Year Goals and Intentions

The New Year provides a natural opportunity for a fresh star. It represents a blank canvas, allowing you to reevaluate your life and set new intentions.

Setting your intentions and defining your goals is important because it provides a clear direction and action plan. It allows you to reflect on your past achievements and/or failures and create a roadmap for the upcoming year.

By setting specific, achievable goals, you can work towards becoming the best version of yourself.

Why You Should Write Down Your Goals

According to a study done by the Dominican University in California, people are 42% more likely to carry out their goals just by writing them down.

By writing down your goals and intentions, you are giving yourself clarity on what needs to be accomplished. It creates a greater sense of commitment and emotional connection to the things you want to achieve.

You’re also more likely to remember the goals you set and track your progress throughout the year.

After writing your goals, I suggest typing them up and printing them out. I like to keep a copy of mine near my desk. (P.S. My workbook download has a great template for this!)

Why You Should Track Your Goals

Tracking your progress is a great way to keep your motivation going. By doing so, you can see the small movement you’re making toward your goal.

Tracking my progress has been instrumental in the way I achieve things and helps me plan out my week and month. If I notice I am falling behind in an area, I adjust my schedule to make more time for it.

If I’ve been putting in the work I need to, the progress is much more noticeable when tracking and gets me excited to keep going.

I like to break down my New Year resolutions into smaller monthly goals that can easily be tracked and will feel much more attainable. I also suggest checking in with yourself monthly to determine what is working well and what isn’t.

New Year’s Resolution Ideas

As the new provides a fresh start, setting meaningful and achievable resolutions is a great way to kickstart positive change in our lives.

I like to take a holistic approach to my goals and intentions. What I mean by this is setting goals for all areas of my life that will lead me to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling year ahead.

Although we all have different hopes and aspirations in life, below are some ideas in different areas of life to get you started and may resonate with you.


– I will bring on 3 new clients for freelance work in 2024

– I will take 1 leadership course in 2024 to build my confidence in leading projects

– I will get certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP) in 2024


– I will walk 10,000 steps daily 

– I will work out for 1 hour 4x a week

– I will meditate for 10 minutes daily 


– I will pay off all $3,000 debt by May 2024

– I will save $5,000 by December 2024

– I will invest $200 a month into index funds 


– I will not look at my phone 30 minutes after waking up

– I will only use social media apps for 1 hour a day

– I will read a new book every month or 12 books in 2024


– I will go on 1 international trip in 2024

– I will visit 2 museums in my hometown or in a new city in 2024

– I will explore 2 new hiking trails in my home state in 2024


– I will go on one family vacation in 2024

– I will spend one weekend every month doing a new activity with your children

– I will eat dinner with my family every weekend 

– I will call siblings/parents twice a month


– I will have a date night once a week with my partner 

– I will call one friend a month to see how they are doing 

– I will go on 1 weekend getaway with friends or a partner

– I will get together with friends at least once a month

How To Stay on Track and Achieve Your Goals

Staying on track and achieving goals requires a combination of discipline, focus, and strategic planning.

It’s one thing to write down your goals, but you need to determine what actions you need to take to achieve your vision. 

For example, if you want to save $5000 by the end of the year, the action you’ll need to take is to stop frivolous spending and save roughly $416 per month.

If you want to travel internationally this year, what steps do you need to take to achieve that? Do you need a passport? Do you need to save money for that trip too?

By breaking down your goals into smaller actions, you’re more like to stay on track and achieve your goals.

I also recommend sharing your goals with family or friends for accountability. By telling others what your intentions are, you are more likely to stick with it.

My partner and I share our goals with each other. I find that since we are both challenging ourselves to improve for the better, we can encourage and inspire each other to make the changes necessary.

Final Words of Wisdom

The start of a new year offers an endless canvas of possibilities. Remember, the power to shape this year lies within us.

By prioritizing growth, fostering change, nurturing meaningful connections, and staying committed to our vision, we pave the way for a year filled with purpose, accomplishment, and fulfillment.

Let’s make 2024 not just a year of resolutions but a year of remarkable transformations. Here’s to creating our best year yet!

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