5 Simple Tips to Stay Healthy While Working From Home

by Lauren
working from home health

Maintaining your health and staying active while working from home can be challenging. Long hours in front of a computer promote unhealthy habits like being sedentary and isolated. Awareness of these destructive patterns and adopting these simple work from home tips when will ensure you stay committed to your health and well-being.

If you’re not a remote worker yet but want to know what it takes, check out my post: 10 Things You Need to Know Before Becoming A Remote Worker.

1. Schedule your day and set boundaries as a remote worker

Being connected at all hours of the day can feel necessary as a remote worker.

To avoid overworking yourself, make a schedule just as you would if you went into an office. It’s important to stick to your schedule throughout the week. At the end of your work day, step away from your workstation and refrain from answering any work emails unless it’s urgent.

2. Take breaks from the computer screen while working from home

It seems simple, right? You’d be surprised by how hard this concept can be for remote workers. A study has found that the average worker spends 1700 hours a year in front of a computer. That sounds terrible.

Like the above point, many remote workers power through the workday with few breaks. This is not only taxing on your eyes but also on your ability to produce high-quality work. Every couple of hours, give yourself a 15-minute screen break.

No, don’t reach for your phone during this time.

Instead, go to the kitchen and make yourself a snack, read, journal, or meditate. Anything that your heart desires and does not involve a screen.

3. Add physical activity to your schedule

Create the habit of honoring your body with movement for at least 30 minutes daily. Go to the gym, a dance class, or even just a simple walk around the neighborhood are all great ways to increase your endorphins.

I know what you’re thinking. Who wants to work out after a long day of work? Find a physical activity that you enjoy doing. This way scheduling it into your work day won’t feel like a chore but rather a fun break.

4. Stay hydrated and eat healthy meals during the workday

Staying hydrated and eating nutritious meals are essential to give you the energy you need to get through your day. Besides that, it’s also great for your overall health and well-being. Keep your favorite water bottle filled at your workstation and grocery weekly for quick and healthy meals you can prepare at home.

5. Plan social activities during the week when working from home

Working from home can be incredibly isolating. All interactions are done virtually and are extremely limited.

Planning time into your week to socialize with others is necessary to support your mental and emotional health. Go out to eat with a friend, find a club for a hobby you enjoy, or plan a small outing with your family. These are all great ways to promote socializing into your schedule.

Did you find this list helpful? In the comments below, please tell me any helpful work from home tips you have for health.

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